This scheme is no longer active
University of Cambridge / Wellcome Trust Junior Interdisciplinary Fellowships
Applications are invited for the next round of University of Cambridge/ Wellcome Trust Junior Interdisciplinary Fellowships.
The scheme is aimed at post-doctoral candidates with backgrounds in the physical sciences (incl. engineering, mathematics and computer sciences) who wish to gain experience in the application of their research to solve problems in the basic biological and biomedical sciences.
The fellowships are intended to provide opportunities for award holders to gain experience in applying biological approaches, and/or apply novel theoretical or experimental techniques from the physical sciences to address biological problems. In addition, it is hoped that this scheme will foster longer-term collaborations between Principal Investigators from the physical and life sciences disciplines within the University of Cambridge.
Research projects must fall within the broad remit of the Wellcome Trust. The research must be undertaken in laboratories within the University of Cambridge.
Applications from post-doctoral candidates with a background in the life sciences wishing to gain experience working in the physical sciences may also be considered. It is expected that, in these cases, the host lab has a proven track record of life/physical sciences interdisciplinary research.
Successful candidates will have a PhD in the physical sciences, mathematics, computing or engineering (or the life sciences, as noted above) and a strong track record appropriate for their career stage. Prior knowledge of biology is not required, but a willingness to work closely with biologists or clinical scientists is essential.
It is anticipated that each award holder will work with two Principal Investigators at the University of Cambridge, one in the physical sciences and the other in the life sciences, who will each provide appropriate guidance and support. Applications from previous awardees are permitted, although applicants must demonstrate how the previous and proposed research are clearly different projects.
For successful candidates not currently eligible to work in the UK a certificate of sponsorship will need to be applied for by the University. In this instance, applicants are expected to pre-discuss their case with their host group leader and departmental administrator/HR support to ensure that they are likely to fulfil the relevant Home Office requirements.
Junior Interdisciplinary Fellowships will be awarded for periods of up to two years. The salary will be in the range of £32,816-£40,322, depending upon experience.
This Scheme is funded jointly between the Wellcome Trust and the University of Cambridge. Please be aware that the cost of the Fellowship (including on-costs and any research consumables requested) will be funded as follows:
- 50% by the University of Cambridge Wellcome Trust award and 50% by Departments involved in the project. It is the applicant's responsibility to pre-agree this 50% contribution with their future department or supervisor.
- In addition to salary costs, applicants may request up to a maximum of £15,000 towards the costs of consumables (for 2 years)
Assessment Criteria
Applications will be evaluated by a scientific panel and the following criteria will be taken into account
- Track record of the candidate (taking into account the career stage of the applicant)
- Suitability of the project
- Inter-disciplinarity of the project and novelty of collaboration
- Appropriate linkages to Principal Investigators from different disciplines
- Supportiveness of the environment
How to apply
To apply, interested candidates should submit the following documents:
- A completed application form
- A short CV (including relevant publications)
- A statement by the Host department or group in support of the proposed project, including confirmation of the provision of 50% of the funding and a description of the host's involvement in the project.
- The application form asks for the details of two referees who are familiar with the candidate's research. Applicants should arrange for their referees to email references directly Paulina Pieprzyca ( in time for the application deadline.
- You will be required to seek the approval of the Departmental Administrator of your host department in order for your application to be submitted. Please copy both the Departmental Administrator and the leader of your host group when you submit your application.
Application deadline: Please send your application and supporting documents by email Paulina Pieprzyca by 2nd February 2020.
Project start date: Projects are expected to start within 3 months of the award date.
Contacts and guidance
If you have any queries about this call, please get in touch with:
Paulina Pieprzyca at
External: (+44)1223 765145
Internal: 65145