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Large Grant Contributions Fund (LGCF) has been established under the stewardship of the Research Policy Committee (RPC) to encourage and support large collaborative research applications and maximise the University’s outward facing impact.

Requests for financial contributions from this Fund are considered by the Oversight Group, chaired by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research, and comprising senior academic members from Schools and non-School institutions. Funding may be provided for areas aligned with the Fund priorities such as widening participation, equality, diversity and inclusion, developing and improving partnerships and building capacity and capability.

The financial contribution from this Fund is provided as additional and not as a replacement of financial or in-kind contributions by Departments, Schools and Non-School Institutions.   

Q. Who can apply

  • Research grant applications for funding of normally over £5M for STEM disciplines and over £1M for applications led by Arts, Humanities and Social sciences subject areas can request financial contributions from this Fund.
  • Both applications led by Cambridge as well as those led by other institutions where Cambridge is a major partner are eligible.
  • Applications should include one or more external collaborators or partners: another university or a research organisation, a company, NGO or third sector organisation, government department, community group etc. Funding is not expected to be matched by the partners.

The following areas are not eligible to request contribution from this Fund:

  • Leveraging funding for existing grant awards
  • NHS, BRC, MRC Unit and similar type of block funding
  • Applications for equipment, capital and infrastructure grants.

Q. What you can apply for

  • For applications led by Cambridge financial contribution of up to 10% of the award value may be requested from this Fund.
  • For applications led by other institutions, financial contributions of up to 10% of funding coming to Cambridge may be requested from the Fund.
  • Activities supported by the Fund should be aligned with one of its priorities:
    • Widening participation

    • Equality, diversity and inclusion

    • Improving partnerships locally / nationally / internationally

    • Capacity and capability building

  • PI time buyout is not an eligible cost for requests from this Fund.
  • Core university posts (finance, HR, and other administrative posts) and posts that could be funded from the grant (project manager, programme manager) are not eligible.
  • Equipment is not an eligible cost for requests from this Fund.

Examples of activities that may be supported by the Fund:

  • EDI or Widening Participation PhD studentships, Masters scholarships, internships, summer schools, apprenticeships, short visiting fellowships, student placements
  • Organising and delivering research culture / EDI / widening participation activities: training, workshops, meetings, coordination
  • Engagement with user communities: patients, consumers, businesses (including SMEs), NGOs, charities, policy makers – workshops, meetings, coordination

Other activities that enhance applications, especially activities that cannot be supported from the grant and are aligned with the Fund priorities can also be supported.

Applications for Centres for Doctoral Training may request contribution from this fund to provide funding for specific activities, such as:

  • Organising training courses that are not available,
  • Providing students with experience not previously available,
  • Enhancing equality, diversity and inclusion of their programmes and similar.

Q. How to apply

To request a financial contribution from this Fund please contact us by emailing as early as possible to discuss eligibility of your application and obtain guidance on the process.

To be considered for funding, you will need to submit the following:

  • Internal application form
  • Draft research grant application
  • Confirmation of support from the Head of the Department – a letter or an email.

Requests for funding should be submitted as early as possible in the application process, and no later than 20 working days prior to the funder submission deadline.

Application form guidance

  • The applications should demonstrate how the institutional financial contribution will add value to the application and increase chances of success.
  • Costs requested should be justified in the application.
  • The activities you wish to request funding for should be costed on the direct cost only basis; overheads or ICC do not apply. Please consult your departmental administrator about costing to ensure the requested funding is correctly calculated.

Q. How your application will be assessed

Applications will be reviewed by the Fund Oversight Group. Each application will be considered on its individual merits, and a response will be normally received within two weeks of submission.

Only applications for activities that add value and justify the resource requested from this Fund will be approved.

Q. Additional information

Successful applicants to this Fund should inform us of the outcome of their external application once it is announced. If the external application has been successful, we will arrange funds transfer to the relevant cost centre.

If you have any questions or wish to express an interest in submitting an application to this Fund, please contact us at