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Research Strategy Office


Although most restricted calls are one-off opportunities, there are some that occur on a regular basis, which we refer to as recurrent. This page details recurrent restricted calls.

All restricted calls will be announced by the Research Strategy Office by email, listed on the Current Restricted Calls Page, and highlighted on the Research Professional database. Sometimes, the restricted calls process can be strengthened by the involvement of other offices of the University. Where established, this involvement is specified below. 

Please find the recurrent restricted calls below, with more information about who is expected to submit to the RSO and indicative timings for launch. 

Please note that the links below may direct to previous rounds of each calls. Call terms and conditions may change for future calls.

Departments submit to RSO for the following calls:

Recurrent restricted call

Month launched

Academy of Medical Sciences Springboard


AXA Fellowships


British Academy Global Professorships


Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Training Scholarships, Research Centres and Research Leadership Awards

Every 3 years

Mental Health Research UK PhD Scholarships 


MRC Centres of Research Excellence


Philip Leverhulme Prize


Rosetrees Trust Interdisciplinary award


Rothschild Post Doctoral Fellowships for Academic Jewish Studies


Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowships


Royal Society Wolfson Fellowship and Visiting Fellowship

3 times a year

Sir Jules Thorn Award for Biomedical Research


Schools submit to RSO for the following calls:

Recurrent restricted call

Month launched

AXA Chairs


BBSRC Mid-range equipment funding


BHF Professorships

Rolling scheme

MRC Mid-range equipment funding


NIHR Research Professorships


UKRI Future Leader Fellowships


Calls coordinated by other offices:

Please note these calls will be announced and managed by the listed coordinator, not the RSO

Recurrent restricted call


Month launched

ESRC New Investigator Grants

Schools of Arts & Humanities/Humanities & Social Sciences 

3 times a year

Any funding calls for capital equipment and buildings

Academic and Financial Planning and Analysis team, Finance Division


Apple Scholars in AI/ML PhD Fellowships

School of Technology


Google PhD Fellowships


IBM PhD Fellowship


JP Morgan PhD Fellowships


Awards and Prizes:

Recurrent awards and prizes with restricted nominations are covered in the annual Institutional Nominations process. Once a year, the Research Strategy Office issues an invitation to the Schools to submit nominations to the following schemes:

Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists

Frontiers Planet Prize

Gerda Henkel Prize

Japan Prize

J&J WiSTEM2D Scholars Award

Lui Che Woo Prize

MRC Impact Prizes

MRC Millennium Medal

RAEng Bhattacharyya Award

Schmidt Science Polymaths

Simons Foundation Investigators

Tang Prize

VinFuture Prize

1907 Trailblazer Award

In addition there are some recurrent events for early career researchers (up to 25 years of age) which require a selection on the University’s part, and which are restricted in the number of places available. These include:

Global Young Scientist Summit   

Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting         

Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar