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Research Strategy Office


The Research Strategy Office oversees the following areas:


Restricted Calls: Research funders sometimes issue caA black chevron pointing forward, to represent a processlls in which the number of applications the University can submit is limited, or funders have other strategic requirements (e.g. no overlap between applications). The Research Strategy Office manages the selection process for these calls. 


A black outline of a paper airplanePro-Vice Chancellor & Vice Chancellor Support Letters: Some funding calls specifically require the applicant to submit a letter of support from the Pro-Vice Chancellor or, occasionally, Vice Chancellor. In these cases, the Research Strategy Office coordinates the approval of the letters.


An icon of a checklistGrant Application Support: The Research Strategy Office provides tailored grant application support and manages two institutional funds to further enable this - the Large Grant Contributions Fund and Bid Preparation Fund.


Two hands engaged in a handshakeFunder RelationsThe Research Strategy Office supports the University, the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and the Heads of School in coordinating and maintaining institutional relationships with the Research Councils and select charities and trusts