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Isaac Newton Trust / University of Cambridge Joint Schools Research Grants Scheme for the Schools of Technology and the Physical Sciences


Recently appointed Assistant and Associate Professors in the Schools of Technology and the Physical Sciences are invited to apply to the Isaac Newton Trust (INT) Joint Schools Research Grants scheme.


The Aim of the Funding 

The scheme aims to support recently appointed Assistant and Associate Professors with start-up funds to kick-start their research careers and attract further external funding. In line with the main goal of the scheme, priority for funding will be given to those candidates who do not already have substantial existing funding. Key criteria for funding include the quality of the proposed research and its potential to lead to an application to an external funder.  



Applicants must be University Assistant or Associate Professors (established or unestablished) who have been appointed in the last three years between 01 October 2021 and 31 December 2024. 

  • Applicants must be based at Cambridge at the start of the award. The award must start within 12 months of the award date, which will be around December 2024. The scheme does not cover projects for PIs based outside the University of Cambridge.  
  • Applicants commencing their post in the University after 31 December 2024 are eligible to apply only if their appointment letter was dated within the above-mentioned window and if they will be based at Cambridge at the start of the project.  
  • Normally, past recipients of this award will not be supported for a second INT/UCAM award. 



Projects can last up to 12 months, and successful applicants will have 12 months from the award date to start their projects. All projects should end within two years of the award date. 


Funding Available 

Proposals can cost up to £60,000, where 50% will be covered by the Isaac Newton Trust, and the remaining 50% must be provided by the host Department. The departmental contribution must come from departmental funds, not another research grant. Only directly incurred and directly allocated costs are allowed as eligible expenditure, and support can be sought to fund PDRA support, equipment, travel, and ancillary consumables. PI time or student fees are not eligible.  


Assessment Criteria 

Key criteria for funding: 

  • the quality of the proposed research  
  • its potential to lead to an application to an external funder 
  • level of secured funding to date and whether INT/UCAM funding would make a significant difference to the applicant’s research trajectory (candidates who have secured substantial funding to date will not be considered to align with the aims of the scheme) 

Applications will be assessed by senior academics from across the Schools of Technology and the Physical Sciences. They will be looking for evidence that proposals match the goals of the scheme. Please note that they might not be experts in the subject area of the proposal. Therefore, applications should be written in a style which is accessible to non-experts. 


The University of Cambridge is committed in its pursuit of academic excellence to equality of opportunity and to a proactive and inclusive approach to equality, which supports and encourages all under-represented groups, promotes an inclusive culture, and values diversity. 

Internal Process 

To take part in the internal selection process, please complete the INT/UCAM ST/SPS Joint Schools Research Grants Scheme 2024/25 Microsoft Form by 6 November, 2024. If asked to log-in, please use your Raven details. Please note that the online form cannot be saved and/or returned to for future editing. The form can be completed only by current members of staff. Applicants whose contract at the University has not yet begun should contact their host department and ask them to submit the application on the candidate’s behalf.


Important note about costing 

As mentioned in the online form, all salary costs mentioned in the proposal should be calculated in conversation with departmental research grants support staff. Applicants who are successful in the internal selection will be asked to send a PDF of the draft X5 costing to the Research Funding Team after the outcome of the selection process is announced. The X5 should not be submitted at any stage.


Please note: unsuccessful applicants to this scheme cannot apply to the Isaac Newton Trust directly for support for the same project. 


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at