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EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) Funding scheme 2022-2025: NOW OPEN 

EPSRC has awarded the University funding for impact under the Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) scheme since 2012, to generate impact from our EPSRC research portfolio through a series of impact support schemes which promote wider and more effective engagement with the impact agenda. The EPSRC IAA grant is managed by the Research Strategy Office, on behalf of the Pro Vice Chancellor for Research. 

The latest round of funding for 2022-2025 was awarded under the new IAA Harmonised Scheme. The University’s overarching aims under this scheme are to develop: 

  • Entrepreneurship, technology transfer and commercialisation ​ 

  • Long-term business engagement and partnerships​   

  • Policy impact ​  

  • Social and cultural impact​  

Now Open: 

EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account: Early-stage Commercialization Fund  

Calls opens: 20th September 2022 

Call closes: 21st November 2022 at 16.00 

Awards: Up to £100,000. Maximum duration 9 months 

The IAA Early-stage Commercialisation Fund aims to enhance the commercial exploitation of Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) research areas. This funding helps bridge the gap between academic research and commercialisation by supporting the early stages of commercialisation of technologies, to make ideas more attractive for further commercial investment. 

Before applying 

Please read the Guidance and assessment criteria document for full details on this call. It is also advisable reading the general IAA Terms and Conditions

Potential applicants are encouraged to contact their departmental Knowledge Transfer Facilitator or Cambridge Enterprise for advice before submitting an application. If your department does not have a Knowledge Transfer Facilitator, please contact either the IAA team or Cambridge Enterprise

How to apply: 

Application process is through our IAA Application Submission System. You’ll need: 

  • Outline details of the project in the IAA Application Submission System 

  • A completed application form, including the signature of the HoD 

  • A copy of the draft project costing X5 

  • A letter of support from any external partners (if applicable) 

  • Any additional documents, such as a Gantt chart showing the intended project timeline, as appropriate 

Please note the submission system only accepts PDF documents 

Submit your application here 

For any questions regarding EPSRC IAA, please contact the IAA team at the Research Strategy Office: